Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fanfiction: RPF: When Eden Met Dan: Part II: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

Disclaimer: I do not own Precious Hearts Romances, Daniel Radcliffe or Eden's bear ears headband

 PART II: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

Why am I in a dress?
Why am I wearing heels?
Why is my hair looking perfect?
But no, that’s not important.
What’s important is...
Why am I wearing a black one shoulder Monroe dress by Vivienne Westwood?
Why are my feet clad in these fabulous red Zodiac silk Jimmy Choo platflorms?
Why does my hair look like the divine Farrah Fawcett’s circa 1976?
Why are my nails so perfectly done? Why do I have decent make-up on?
What is going on?

Eden was thinking of a lot of things in her head. As she looked at her reflection in a glass wall of a store in New Bond Street, she could not believe her eyes. She could’ve died at her own image! She looked so perfect, like the fairy godmother has finally paid her a very overdue visit. She studied her appearance carefully, looking for even the tiniest flaw. Nada. Not even a single pimple. So, what was she doing at New Bond Street? And it was awfully quiet for a very fabulous, upmarket street. She could not even afford stepping on its ground, how much more looking at the beautiful array of display windows. Sure she is extravagant sometimes, especially during the Christmas season, but... what day was it again? She looked hurriedly for a clock but there was none.  Oh, my bag!, she thought. She forgot that there was a bag on her right shoulder. The bag was even a gorgeous rosewood red Louis Vuitton. She looked inside for her mobile and eventually found it after rummaging on the trivial contents of her bag. It says in her mobile that it was 25 past 7 and today was the seventeenth of September... 2013? What the...? She was utterly confused. 2013? Really? Was this a prank? She could not wait to get her hands on Bappy for she was a hundred percent positive that she was the head of all this operation prankster nonsense.

“Haha, Bappy, very funny! You can come out now!”,

But only a dead silence greeted her in response. She looked inside her Louis Vuitton bag for any other clues. She unzipped her once-upon-a-dream bag and started her search. She found petty things like a bottle of Clinique Happy, a pink-leather covered planner, a small kikay kit full of Lancôme make-up, a Parker pen, a pack of chewing gum and a telephone wire scrunchie. Nothing interesting, nothing that would click her interest, nothing to solve this mystery, nothing to... oh wait. She managed to withdraw a small envelope from a small compartment inside her bag. The white envelope had Eden written on its back. She opened the envelope and took out the little piece of white paper. What was written baffled her:

                                                   Meet me at Harry Winston, New Bond Street.
                                                   I will be waiting.

First of all, she was in the right street and yes Harry Winston is just a few yards away from where she’s standing. Second, how did she even get here? She can’t even remember crossing Thames minutes ago. God, she’s never even been inside the Harry Winston salon before! Because she knows if she did, she would just break into tears and mourn on how little money she’s got and whine about it through the rest of her years. Poor her. Third, who the heck was D? D? D? She tried to search her mind for any significance linking to someone whose name starts with D. To no avail, she does not know anyone significant whose name starts with a D. What she knows is that this “D” wanted her to see something there in Harry Winston.

Maybe it’s for next month’s shoot.
Maybe I won something from those telephone surveys. I know they’re quite absurd but anything can happen, right? Maybe they DO give out raffle prizes.
Maybe it’s for Chemie since her birthday’s coming up. How could we even afford a Harry Winston for her? Oh I know now, this “D” chap might be Chemie’s new squeeze! If that’s that then I am definitely excited!

With that thought, Eden gave out a small giggle. She looked at herself again. Her dress, her shoes, her hair, her face and her bag just don’t make sense.
Did I steal these from the magazine’s fashion rack? I’m going to get beatings for this! They are definitely going to chuck me! I clearly could not afford this, I only make twenty five thousand a year for God’s sake!
After minutes of going over and over the last remnants of her memory before this even occurred, she decided to get this over and done with. So she moved her Jimmy Choo clad feet and headed towards the Harry Winston salon. Every step made her heart falter a bit. For some reason she’s nervous.Maybe I had a little overdose of coffee this morning, she thought.

When she reached the salon’s entrance her heart skipped a beat. Even the window display was spectacular! The jewel’s and the diamond’s reflection against the light inside the salon blinded her for a minute. This was just too much, she thought she was going to lose her breath and have a stroke right then and there. Her right hand was just inches away from the door handle when a gentleman from the inside kindly pulled the heavy door for her. After saying ‘thank you’ to the doorman, she went inside. The jewellery on display was just breathtaking. Sure she knows that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but right now she feels diamonds are her secret lovers. She looked at the jewellery and buried herself into the imagination that she could get even a pair of simple diamond studs. Every time she sees an item that catches her interest, she can’t help but squeal on the inside. Sometimes she would involuntary say “aahhh”, “ooohhh” and even “oh my God!” praying that nobody was laughing at her ridiculous reaction. Then another man with blond hair and perfect blue eyes went to stand beside her and said,
“Madame, if you could please follow me, he’s waiting for you”
With a perplexed look in her face, she managed to ask, “Who’s waiting for me?”
The blond gentleman did not reply and instead gave her a satisfying smile. So much for being a gentleman!
She followed him towards a wooden door and when he opened it she could not believe her eyes. More and more show tables for jewellery just sparkled against her eyes. The room was heavily decorated with bouquets of soft pink roses-- her favourite. The blond gentleman exited his way out of the room without her noticing. After her admiration of everything that was overwhelming in the room, she finally noticed the man at the far end of the room with his back facing her. She may not know him but his sweet pair of cheeks situated above his pair of perfectly shaped legs looked rather familiar. She did not notice herself staring at the pair of divinely designed cheeks. When she did, she turned her head to the right out of embarrassment. Then she took three steps forward towards him and softly said, “Excuse me... uhm... as much as I love everything that I am seeing I still do not know what I am doing here.” There was no response, though, and like a nervous wreck that she was, she kept on blabbing and blabbing about total nonsense. She tried her luck again.

“Are you Chemie’s boyfriend? It seems that we have not met before, my name is E—“
Just before saying her name, the man in front of her turned and faced her.
What the--?

“Hi Idz. I know this is a strange request, you know, for you to meet me here,” he was speaking rather nervously.
What the eff! Why is Daniel Radcliffe speaking to me? And did he just call me ‘Idz’? How did he know my nickname? Does the whole world know that my nickname is 'Idz'? 

She was definitely surprised, shocked even. And it was obviously evident in her facial expression which is like a mix of eating really sour mangoes and seeing ‘2 girls and 1 cup’ for the first time.

He looked very much looked like somebody off the cover of a magazine. He looked like Daniel Radcliffe!Duh, of course. Get your head straight Idz. He wore a gorgeous Armani suit with black Prada shoes and a black tie. He was so gorgeous and she was so flabbergasted that flies could live in her gaping mouth. Yuck. His hair was equally gorgeous too.

Then Daniel Radcliffe took his steps towards her. Her heart started beating like a heart going on a cardiac arrest.
Then Daniel opened his lips and started talking, which left Eden hypnotized, “We have been together for a long time and we have been through the worse. The moment I saw you with your pink glasses and Prada boots I thought to myself, I have to have this girl no matter what. I loved you then...”
What? Daniel Radcliffe loved me? Eden was very much close to getting teary-eyed.
“... I love you more now.”
Now she was definitely teary eyed.
“So, I have a favour to ask you, is that alright?”, he asked with his equally gorgeous smiling blue eyes.
Speechless, it was even a miracle Eden was able to manage a nod. A clumsy nod.
Then suddenly he got on one knee...
Oh my goodness gracious me! Is he going to propose? Oh my God I get it! He is ‘D’!
... and retrieved a red velvet box from his pocket...
Oh my betcha by golly wow! Is that a Harry Winston ring?
... then he opened the box and lo and behold, it was a perfect cushion-cut colorless diamond center stone with pave diamonds encircling the whole ring set in platinum. It was a Harry Winston ring!
He is going to propose to me! Oh my God he’s going to propose! What am I going to do? What am I going to say?
Eden continued to fidget like a lost peacock.
Daniel smiled and popped the question at last, only it wasn’t a question.

“Wake up!” he said, although his voice turned rather feminine.
Eden was surprised as she continued to fidget. She could not believe what she heard.
“Ah-ah, excuse me?” Eden asked.
“I said Wake up!” Daniel exclaimed but weirdly still had the romantic, I-want-you-to-marry-me face.
“Huh?” Eden was completely confused. This was supposed to be a proposal!
Then Daniel continued, now in an aggressive tone but still with the I-want-to-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-with-you face, “I said wake up Eden Nyssa Cagas! Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!”


“Ow!”, Eden woke up noisily with her face on her apartment floor. How she got there she had no idea. She also did not have any idea why her face felt like it was slapped a kazillion times.
“I told you to wake up! You are one tough cookie! It’s ten in the morning already!” Bappy scolded her with a Havaianas special edition flip flop on her right hand. That explained her pained face.
Oh yes, she forgot about Bappy. She was here for a sleepover after a few tequila shots last night at Soho. Seriously, she thought, they had to kill the habit of getting drunk and hitting each other with a flipflop.  Then Eden managed to sit up. “What did you do that for? Am I an effing cockroach?”
Bappy did not respond but instead stuck her tongue out. She then went to the bathroom.
Eden was annoyed. Deeply annoyed. She was that close to getting that proposal. That close! But, alas, she had to go back to her reality. She got up, collected her trampled dignity and pulled up her blinds. Her window had a view of Hammersmith which is where where she lives. As she opened her window completely the sun’s rays hit her face. Well, it’s a bloody miracle! Sunshine in London! Then she stuck her head out and breathed in... then shouted, “Good Morning London!”.

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