Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fanfiction: RPF: When Eden Met Dan: Part I: At First Sight

When Eden Met Dan is totally fictitious but Eden's imaginings are totally factual

Disclaimer: I do not own Precious Hearts Romances, Daniel Radcliffe or Eden's bear ears headband.

As the maroon velvet curtains fell, the audience applauded. A few of them shouting “bravo” while others wore a smiling grin on their faces. Eden was personally amazed, she never thought that a play so morally repugnant could claim such high praise. She loved it and she was one of those who applauded with all sincerity. She wanted to stay longer to watch the stars as they bow but she knew she couldn’t, she had to meet up with her friends at a local pub just five blocks from the theatre. True enough, she was running a bit late. She already felt her phone vibrating for last couple of minutes and she sometimes stared at her watch with a worried look on her face. She had to go. She had to leave. A minute more here she’s going to sweat a bucket out of hastiness. Her feet were ready to move. Une, deux, trios. And she stood up at last, moved her feet and walked away down the aisle towards the exit.

He was captivated by the girl heading towards the exit. For the last hour and a half he tried his very best to catch glimpses of her through the crowd while painstakingly trying his best in not forgetting his lines. Even though she was six rows far from the stage, she stood out in her pink-framed glasses and her curious expression. Enchanting. Simply enchanting. So when he saw her walk away with the sharp “clank, clank,” sound of her black, knee-high boots echoing in the air, he hurried up with his bow while people were saying praises to him and ran from the stage to the backstage and through the back alley. He had to see her, he had to meet her, he had to say hello and ask for her name. He had to invite her for dinner at some fancy restaurant. He had to kiss her. It was a moment of kismet, a “Grazie Destino”, a “La Tua Cantante”. Whatever it was, it was driving him to pace. Adrenaline came pulsing down his veins which compelled him to run as fast as he could. When he reached the theatre’s entrance he was met by flashes of light. Flashes of cameras to be exact. And a crowd filled with a hungry press and squealing fans. Oh yes, he forgot who he was.

“His name is Daniel Radcliffe,” Eden said. She was with her girlfriends Bappy, Chemie, Vee and Nyma. They were noisily laughing together, sitting in a rather cozy corner of the Irish pub, O’Hara’s. The place was swarming with people, mostly Irish making them the most foreign-looking people around since they had a gorgeous tan reminiscent of an equally gorgeous, true Filipina. It was a Friday night and at an evening like this it always meant unlimited glasses of piña colada and a quick catch-up on their individual week. Eden was a senior editor at a teen magazine and was mostly involved with the magazine’s fashion trends. She was actually the one responsible for giving her girlfriends freebies from her job, mostly found in the pages of ‘her’ magazine and were definitely expensive. Since it was Friday, she had a license to kill... with her killer high-heeled Prada boots that she bought at the last Boxing Day. Oh yes, she remembers that speck of memory like it happened only yesterday. It was tradition for these five girls to line up as early as four in the morning and wait for the stores to open during Boxing Day. And last year they took it to whole new level by saving up two thousand pounds for this annual shopping spree. Eden is no stranger to branded leather goods but when it comes to Prada, oh her heart just melts! When she came out of that Prada store in Oxford Street she was so elated, she felt like she was in fashion heaven. After her morning at Prada was over, they headed to TopShop to continue their fashion excursion. So anyways, her thoughts went back to where their conversation was last at.
Bappy was in the middle of analyzing what has undergone in their conversation. Something about Harry Potter, a play and a guy’s divine arse.
“Wait, so you’re telling me this guy in this play...”
“ Daniel Radcliffe?” Vee interrupted.
Then Eden nodded.
“Whoa!” the four of them chorused.
“I’m so sorry my mind has been going ‘blugh’ at the moment. Isn’t Equus the play where this guy was in love with a horse?”, Vee sarcastically asked with a horrid look on her face.
“Yes, Vee. And I think that story was brilliant.” Nyma exclaimed while taking a sip of her third glass of banana daiquiri. Nyma and Eden nodded at each other with a look of agreement. Then Eden suddenly retrieved a certain memory which haunted her throughout the evening. She crossed her arms on her chest and eyed Nyma with that scary stare she always had.
“Can you remind me why you weren’t there with me at the play?”
Nyma nearly choked at her daiquiri and withdrew her embarrassment. “I was busy, you know that”, Nyma said. Eden narrowed her eyes. This was no easy game indeed. Nyma eventually gave in and said, “Oh alright! I had a very long day at the office and I had to finish something! I’m sorry! Don’t you remember my boss is quiet the lunatic perfectionist?”
“But you’re the boss!,” Bappy protested.
Nyma smirked. “Exactly.”
They all rolled their eyes at her. She was plainly insufferable but admirably witty.
After swallowing a bite of strawberry, Chemie interrupted, “Uhm, bollocks, can you remind me what we were talking about?”
 Then Eden smiled, turned back to the other three and asked with slight hint of genuine confusion in her tone, “What were we talking about?”
Then the three, altogether, half-said and half-shouted, “Daniel’s bloody arse!”.

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